Summer Learning 2024

Welcome the Harper Creek Community Schools' Summer Learning Program

You may contact us at 269.441.8411 or email Erin Wagaman, Ashlee Berner, or Emily Golden.

Elementary School Summer Learning Newsletter

ANNOUNCEMENTS: July 15th - 18th, 2024

  • Please call the school number 269.441.8477 if you are going to be late or absent. If you arrive after 8:15AM bring them into the main office first.

  • We have had a wonderful week of exploring businesses and career pathways. Students began the week exploring different career paths both at the high school and downtown Battle Creek. On Tuesday, students traveled downtown to explore various businesses. They were able to listen to career opportunities at the police station, Bronson Health Truck, the Kellogg Credit Union, JJ’s Bakery, Chris Edwards’ Salon, and Mike’s Bike Shop. On Wednesday, students heard from AcMoody Farms, Full Blast, the Zoo, our Harper Creek food truck, Grace Health, What-A-Do Theater, the Vet Clinic, and a DNR Officer as they rotated through presentations. It was a  great learning experience for the kids and got them thinking about what projects they could create in the classrooms starting next week! 

  •  Please mark you calendars for July 31st  from 9:00-9:30 AM as we showcase our hard work at summer school! Our What-A-DO performance will be at 9:35AM

Mr. Miller's Learning Snapshot:

 It has been an exciting first week of summer school! While meeting and getting to know everyone in our class we had opportunities to see many different careers this week. We went downtown and visited to different businesses, including the police station. We also had businesses come to the school. This has been an awesome way to teach or introduce students to a career they might want to pursue.

Ms. Richardson's Learning Snapshot: 

This has been a fun and exciting first week getting to learn about each other's uniqueness and how our unique qualities put together make for an awesome classroom of students.  

Tuesday we went on an adventure downtown Battle Creek and met with local businesses. The students had a chance to meet with police officers and explore some of the vehicles they use. We also met with a bakery and learned about being a entrepreneur. Let's not forget the delicious cookies they got to eat too.

Ms. Fronsman's Learning Snapshot:

Our first week started off well.  The kids have gotten to know each other a little better each day with all of our activities.  Tuesday was spent visiting fun business in downtown Battle Creek and Wednesday we continued the learning with our in house career fair.  On Thursday the kids each got to pick out books for them to read while here and then take home at the end of the third week.  We were also able to start learning with What-A-Do theatre on Thursday. We cannot wait to see what next week holds!

Ms. Durbin's Learning Snapshot: 

  • My Special Talent Exploration

  • Field Trip Downtown- Toured location businesses and explored career options.

  •  Career Fair- Local businesses came to us.

  • Learned about the history of origami and the Chinese dragon. Created Chinese dragons with origami technique.

Mrs. Carpenter's Learning Snapshot:  

We had such a busy first week! 

  • Monday we got to know each other and our building

  • Tuesday we visited some businesses downtown and ate a cookie from JJ's Bakery

  • Wednesday we had a bunch of businesses come to our building and learned what it is they do

  • Thursday we started learning about drones and got $40 worth of books for FREE

Mrs. Forrest's Learning Snapshot: 

What a great first week!!  We spent our first day getting to know each other by playing games.  Our second day we went downtown and learned about businesses.  We met a young man who started his own bakery business at 15 years old!  

On Wednesday we spent time in different classrooms with people who work in our community.  Our favorites were the Zoo friends and the Veterinarian.  Some of us have decided to be one or the other when we grown up!  

Today we chose books.  These will go home on the last day of school. 

ANNOUNCEMENTS: July 22nd - 25th, 2024

  • Please call the school number 269.441.8477 if you are going to be late or absent. If you arrive after 8:15AM bring them into the main office first.

  •  Please mark you calendars for July 31st  from 9:00-9:30 AM as we showcase our hard work at summer school! Our What-A-DO performance will be at 9:35AM

Ms. Fronsman's Learning Snapshot:

Our second week has been super busy and SUPER fun. We had the first read-through of the play we  will be performing, we got to go to Full Blast for some fun in the sun, we had auditions, we took a trip to KCC to watch What-A-Do perform Anastasia, and we played lots of games! We look forward to next week when we get to show off our theatrical skills!

Ms. Durbin's Learning Snapshot:

This week we learned about the history of Pony Beads and the skill of weaving. The students worked hard to master this skill to create bead creatures and rubber band jewelry.  We also explored our imagination to create homes for our socks puppets. 

Ms. Richardson's Learning Snapshot:

Your students have been hard at work this week completing vision boards. They have researched careers that interest them and created vision boards to share with you all next Wednesday on the career they chose. We got to participate in a field trip to Beadle Lake Large Animal Clinic. There we had the opportunity to learn all about what a vet does and engage with some animals. 

Mr. Miller's Learning Snapshot:

 Week 2 is over! We had a great 2nd week taking a deep dive in learning about farming and agriculture. Tuesday we were able to go on a field trip to Beadle Lake Large Animal Clinic. We got to see miniature horses, a few dogs and learn all about what they do there. Next week is super busy with trips to Full Blast and the Movie Theatre. Also an invitation was sent home today with information about our showcase next week.

Mrs. Carpenter's Learning Snapshot:

Week #2 done! This week we really worked hard on learning about drones and how they can be used in different careers. The kids can’t wait to share their books with you! 

Only one week left. Please remember, we are going to Full Blast on Tuesday, our Showcase is Wednesday, and on Thursday we will go to a movie.

Mrs. Forrest's Learning Snapshot: 

We had another fun week in Summer School!  This week we painted our book boxes.  We made a quilt out of our wire art and made pipe cleaner animals.

Next week Wednesday we will watch Inside Out 1 so that we are familiar with it for the movie on Thursday.

That's a wrap folks! Session 2 of summer learning has come to a close. We hope the kids have enjoyed it as much as we have! Thank you for sharing your child with us these last three weeks. 

Unit next time, enjoy the last weeks of summer! 


Harper Creek Summer School Team!

Mr. Miller's Learning Snapshot:

This has been a exciting last week. We enjoyed showing off our Farming and Agriculture Journals at the showcase. Thank you to all of you that came out to admire the hard work these students put in. We were able to enjoy fun activities this week as a entire summer program by going to the movies and Full Blast. Enjoy the rest of your summer and thank you for sharing your child with me this summer. 

Ms. Fronsman's Learning Snapshot:

Our final week the students showcased their amazing work to family and friends! The kids worked diligently all week making for an amazing performance on Wednesday. Lastly, we explored social-emotional learning at the theater watching Inside Out 2.

Mrs. Forrest's Learning Snapshot:

What a fun last week we have had! We went to Full Blast and had a blast ;) 

Our presentations went really well Wednesday too. Thank you to those that were able to join us.

Then ended with a great time going to see Inside Out 2. 

Thank you for joining us this summer and have a great school year ahead!

Ms. Richardson's Learning Snapshot:

This has been an exciting last week. We enjoyed showing off our projects about our career of choice at the showcase. Thank you to all of you that came out to admire the hard work these students put in. We were able to enjoy fun activities this week as an entire summer program by going to the movies and Full Blast. Enjoy the rest of your summer and thank you for sharing your child with me this summer. 

Ms. Durbin's Learning Snapshot:

We finished off with a great week. I hope your kiddos will take home new skills &  great memories. It has been my pleasure being their teacher! 

Middle School Summer Learning Newsletter

ANNOUNCEMENTS: July 15th - 18th, 2024

  • Students began the week exploring different career paths both at the high school and downtown Battle Creek. On Tuesday, students traveled downtown to explore various businesses. They were able to listen to career opportunities at the police station, Bronson Health Truck, the Kellogg Credit Union, JJ’s Bakery, Chris Edwards’ Salon, and Mike’s Bike Shop. On Wednesday, students heard fromAcMoody Farms, Full Blast, the Zoo, our Harper Creek food truck, Grace Health, What-A-Do Theater, the Vet Clinic, and a DNR Officer as they rotated through presentations. It was a  great learning experience for the kids and got them thinking about what projects they could create in the classrooms starting next week! 

  • Parents, save the date! We will  showcase our career pathway projects during the last week of school. Please mark your calendars for Wednesday, July 31st from 9:30-10:30 AM in the cafeteria!

Engineering ~Miss Whitmyer

We kicked off the week exploring countless career options and public service organizations, both downtown Battle Creek and through presentations at the school!  It was fantastic to see so many students interested in the opportunities that the future holds! We look forward to getting drones up in the air next week along with exploring, designing, and building water slides.  Stay tuned!

What-A-Do Theater ~Ms. Fronsman

Our first week started off well.  The kids have gotten to know each other a little better each day with all of our activities.  Tuesday spent the day exploring career pathways by visiting various businesses downtown Battle Creek. We continued the exploration Wednesday with our in-house career fair.  On Thurday the kids each got to pick out books for them to read while here and then take home at the end of the third week.  We were also able to start learning with What-A-Do theater on Thursday. We cannot wait to see what next week holds!

Art & Communication ~Mr. Crackel

Students began the week by visiting and interacting with business leaders and entrepreneurs from around the Battle Creek area. They learned insights like selecting an ideal business location, how to recruit and hire employees, and how to effectively advertise their businesses. They also explored career pathways that will be accessible to them in the coming years. Students will be applying these lessons throughout the rest of their time as they play the part of an inventor and entrepreneurs, taking their ideas through the various stages of a business plan and marketing their products in a variety of creative formats. 

Health & Humanities ~Mrs. Herney

This first week students visited businesses located in downtown Battle Creek.  Also, local businesses presented information about jobs/careers to our students. After these experiences, students brainstormed what they wanted to do for a career.  Most students want to help humans or animals.  After choosing a career path, students began to draw and create an invention that would improve human or animal lives.  The invention focused on a mobile service that can be taken to their people or animals. Wednesday and Thursday, students put their ideas to work, made sketches, and built their inventions. 

Engineering ~Ms. Jenkins

Students started the week by exploring different careers through a trip to businesses downtown. This continued with representatives of different careers coming to us on Wednesday. We started learning about the design process and practiced working in a team through various activities including Jenga Makers, tumbling dominoes, and engineering challenges with pipe cleaners. We are starting to explore problem-solving through 3D printing and are getting familiar with TinkerCAD. 

ANNOUNCEMENTS: July 22nd - 25th, 2024

Parents, save the date! We will  showcase our career pathway projects during the last week of school. Please mark your calendars for Wednesday, July 31st from 9:30-10:30 AM in the cafeteria!

Engineering ~Miss Whitmyer

We made a SPLASH at Full Blast this week!  Leading up to our trip to the waterpark, we examined how waterslides are made.  We discussed the components needed for safety and design.  Our class even debunked a myth surrounding a waterslide stunt that went viral. We have also taken flight with the drones!  They are building their basic skills and next week we will begin challenges with increased difficulty!

What-A-Do Theater ~Ms. Fronsman

Our second week has been super busy and SUPER fun. We had the first read-through of the play we  will be performing, we got to go to Full Blast for some fun in the sun, we had auditions, we took a trip to KCC to watch What-A-Do perform Anastasia, and we played lots of games! We look forward to next week when we get to show off our theatrical skills!

Art & Communication ~Mr. Crackel

Using the career paths that they explored during week 1, students selected an occupation or industry of interest to them, and then identified common issues that workers in that industry face. Given these issues, students developed an idea for a product or service that could address these challenges and better serve their communities. As they continued to refine their startup companies, students also learned the principles of effective logo design and the intricacies of a business plan, so that they could expand the reach of their businesses in the community. 

Health & Humanities ~Mrs. Herney

Students had a BLAST at Full Blast!

Week two, students took their invention to the next level.  They began construction of a service truck built around their initial invention from week one.  Students will continue to build and play the role of entrepreneur as they finish construction of their service truck.  Their service truck is designed to have a positive impact on human and animal lives.  They are very creative with their business name and designs. Students also visited Full Blast and enjoyed the water slides, swimming, and sun.  

Engineering ~Ms. Jenkins

Students expanded their knowledge of TinkerCAD to design original creations to be 3D printed. Some students made prototypes of their ideas and worked on improving the design to achieve their desired goal. For our animation half of class, students made flipbooks and made animated gifs on the computer using a free website called BrushNinja. After watching several examples of stop motion animation, students worked in groups to brainstorm ideas for a LEGO stop motion video. They started animating their films.

That's a wrap folks! Session 2 of summer learning has come to a close. We hope the kids have enjoyed it as much as we have! Thank you for sharing your child with us these last three weeks. 

Unit next time, enjoy the last weeks of summer! 


Harper Creek Summer School Team!

Engineering ~Miss Whitmyer

We are wrapping up the last week of summer school with a bang!  Drone races, coding challenges, drone repair, presentations and more!

It was neat to see our students develop their piloting skills with the UAV’s (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles).  Students are able to collect surveillance footage, navigate through barriers and flip in flight!  

We also talked about growth mindset and connected it to inventing!  Learning from mistakes is such an important part of engineering, and life.  We know that the students will build upon their skills and knowledge from summer school.

What-A-Do Theater ~Ms. Fronsman

Our final week the students showcased their amazing work to family and friends! The kids worked diligently all week making for an amazing performance on Wednesday. Lastly, we explored social-emotional learning at the theater watching Inside Out 2.

Art & Communication ~Mr. Crackel

Students spent their final week hard at work refining all of the ins and outs of their business. After starting with an idea for a product or service that would enhance the quality of life in their community, students developed a mobile business to offer their services throughout the community. Thinking like true entrepreneurs, students developed a detailed business model, designed a logo for their company, developed an app for potential customers to explore, and advertised their businesses using a variety of creative formats. On Wednesday, students pitched their businesses to parents, guardians, and other stakeholders in the community!

Health & Humanities ~Mrs. Herney

Wow, it was a productive final week for us.  Students put finishing touches on their service trucks and designed a banner for their business.  The banners showed their perfected logo and their slogan.  As a class,  students determined the best way to market their business.  Of course, through social media! They really enjoyed making a plan for an app (on paper) and coming up with a website name. Students put a lot of thought and research into calculating start up cost for their business and pricing for the services provided in their service truck. On Wednesday, students presented their business plan to one another, and then to community members.

Engineering ~Ms. Jenkins

This week students had the opportunity to share the projects that they had been working on with the public and family members. This gave them a chance to show how they took their interests, passions and ideas and turned them into LEGO stop motion films or 3D printed projects. The student films took 50 to over 500 still pictures to create. All 3D printed items were designed by the students on TinkerCAD. This week the prints included a few rockets (improved from previous prototypes), WWI medals, a print-in-place car, a few characters, and a mug.