November 21, 2023

Daily Announcements

Tuesday, Nov. 21st, 2023

Today is a B Day

Happy Birthday to: Alleyana Lucero-Denton & John Schultheiss


Don’t forget to order your Harper Creek Christmas Shirt. Orders will only be accepted until this Wednesday, Nov. 22nd.  Don’t miss out!!!

Wear your shirt on Friday’s in December to show your Harper Christmas Spirit!!


There will be a student council meeting tonight after school until 3:45 in the library. Please make sure your ride is here by 3:45.

Auditions for the spring musical Annie are happening on December 11th and 12th! You will read scenes and sing at the auditions. No prior experience is necessary. You can pick up audition packets with rehearsal tracks in the main office.  Please see the posters around school for more details or email

Clay Target Update-Due to an unforeseen scheduling conflict, the Parent Informational Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, November 21, 2023 in the High School Library has been cancelled. The meeting will be rescheduled at a later date. Our apologies for the inconvenience.

Swimming and Diving Team sign ups end this week. If you haven’t signed up be sure to do it before Wednesday. Practice starts the 27th.  You must have a physical on file.


Bus T is running late today.