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February 6, 2025
Support HC Theater By Becoming a Sponsor

The HC Theater program is growing! This organization connects middle and high school students in a collaborative and creative effort to build community, leadership skills, problem-solving, and more! We are hoping to raise funds for the materials and opportunities needed for our program to continue to flourish.

January 30, 2025
Cross-Country Ice Skating Fundraiser, Saturday, February 15

Please join us for a Cross-Country Ice-Skating Fundraiser at The Rink! All proceeds will go towards a new camera needed for our timing system and will benefit both the cross-country and track teams at Harper Creek! The Open Skate will take place on

 Saturday, February 15

from 1:30 - 3:00 at The Rink 

75 Houston St in Battle Creek

Admission is $10 at the door and $3 for skate rental.

 Bring your family and friends out for a fun event that will benefit all of our middle school and high school runners at Harper Creek!

January 16, 2025
Baton Twirling Classes

Baton Twirling Classes

Come join the fun and learn how to twirl a baton!

Baton twirling is making a comeback as the latest and greatest sensation! Don’t miss out on all the fun!

Dates:  Every Tuesday beginning February 11th and ending May 27th   

Times:  Ages 4-7, 5:45-6:30 p.m.      Ages 8-20, 6:30-7:15 p.m.  

Registration:  On February 11th at the first class.  [In the event class is cancelled the first week because of bad weather, class will begin the following week.  Check or call 616-460-1747 for cancellation information.]

Location:  North Avenue Church of God Gymnasium

                  1079 North Avenue, Battle Creek, Michigan, 49017

Cost:  $10/week to be paid at each class. $11 registration fee to be paid at first class.   Batons available for purchase at class for $35.  Payment plans for batons available: $20 the first week, then $5 each week until paid off.

                                   Students can earn awards!  

Our baton twirling classes not only focus on teaching children how to twirl a baton, our classes encourage teamwork, poise, hand-eye coordination, as well as help children build their self-esteem.  Students learn baton twirling tricks in class as well as routines.  Students will also have an opportunity to be in a competition and parades.

This is a great opportunity which can lead to students becoming a majorette for their school and a scholarship to college!  Don’t wait to start learning! Questions? Call (616) 460-1747, e-mail, or visit us on our website at