Thursday, August 29, 2024
Happy Birthday to: Joseph Medellin-Delacruz, Kylie Rivera
STUDENTS AT PARENT PICKUP – You must not cross the driveway until a staff member directs you to. Please pay attention to the line so you know when your vehicle pulls up. Also, students are not to be picked up on the bus side. It is very unsafe.
PICTURE RETAKES will be October 8th. If you were absent yesterday you can have your picture taken on the 8th.
White Out t-shirts.... Forms and money are due by Friday, Sep 6th. (The Homecoming/White Out game is Friday, Sep 13th. Turn your form into the main office or Mr. Dishaw, room 401.
Students-the 10th Anniversary Middle School Carnival is fast approaching. Please join us on September 13th right after school. There will be inflatables, dunk tank,
Midway games, back load slide, snow cones, cotton candy pony rides, ice cream, hot dogs. Tickets will go on sale Tuesday, September 3rd, four for a dollar. You can also buy tickets at the carnival. Don’t miss out on this fun event. You can come to the Carnival, watch the parade and then go to the football game.
Students- you can earn LEAD tickets from all Middle School staff for following our LEAD expectations.
Lead tickets can be deposited in the Lead ticket box in the cafeteria.
Make sure you have your first and last name on your tickets and that you deposit them in the correct grade level.
Our first LEAD ticket drawing will be at the end of the day today.
Winners will be announced in the announcements on Tuesday the 3rd.
Make sure you get your LEAD tickets in the bin in the cafeteria.