Wednesday September 4
Homecoming Dance Tickets are on sale during both lunches starting today, Wednesday, September 4th until next Friday the 13th. Tickets cost $10 and are required to enter the dance. No tickets will be sold at the door. Guest passes are available in the main office please pick one up and have it returned to Mr. Greenman by Monday the 9th if you would like to bring a guest from another school.
Our Spirit Week also runs next week……
Monday- PJ's
Tuesday- Jersey / Favorite Sports team
Wednesday- Grout Fit (all grey)
Thursday- Twin Day
Friday- BLUE AND WHITE (school spirit)
Attention seniors looking for volunteer hours! Our indoor concession stand is looking for help. Please sign up in the Athletic office.
Powderpuff is coming up on September 12th at 7pm for juniors and seniors. Sign-up sheets are in the athletic office, and today is the last day for sign ups! There is a $10 fee for each player which will go towards t-shirts. You must pay your $10 when signing up. Any boy who is interested in coaching and wants a t-shirt needs to sign up and pay their $10 by the 4th. Your money can be paid to Mrs. Ratcliff in the athletic office.
Are you interested in traveling and meeting new people? If so then you should consider joining Deca! If you could not attend the informational meeting please leave your information in the front office.
Our fall play still needs people to work backstage. Please see Ms. Hurley for details. The tech crew will meet after school on Friday, September 27th.
Our Dungeons and Dragons club has 3 more available seats for Wednesdays after school. This table will be playing with the traditional 5E core rules. We also have opened a table to play on Wednesdays. This table also has 3 seats and will use a homebrew set of DnD rules. Brand new and experienced players are welcome to join. Please contact Mrs. Martin in room 223 if you are interested.
Our first blood drive will be on September 20th. Please sign up by scanning a QR code on the fliers posted around the school or with Mrs. Helmbreck directly. Permission slips and more information are outside of Mrs. Helmbreck's room.